by Minter Dial | Nov 29, 2007 | Travel
Okay, I admit that, since a newspaper is transportable, I will often read it a day or three later. Proof, this morning I discovered that King Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered “on this day in history” the 26th November 1922 by Howard Carter. My...
by Minter Dial | Nov 21, 2007 | Travel
My wife and I just spent a most memorable week in Egypt, on the famed Nile. Thanks to my mother who hoofed it over from the States to watch over our children, we were afforded a romantic getaway. The visit, organized through Club Med (CM), was part hotel, part cruise....
by Minter Dial | Nov 12, 2007 | Social Media
After a week of being disconnected from my computer and the Internet, I can truthfully say that I felt good about it. No email or blogging withdrawal symptoms, albeit a few other symptoms that come with visiting Egypt (more about the trip in another post). Having been...
by Minter Dial | Aug 29, 2007 | Travel
English translation of posting in French: Musee d’Art et d’Archaeologie de Guéret For an extremely pleasant visit when you are in the Creuse department of France, head to the museum of Art and Archaeology of Guéret – lodged at the Sénatorerie Hotel. The...
by Minter Dial | Apr 5, 2007 | Travel
Not that I mind holidays, in general, nor the number of national holidays in France during the month of May [especially when I live there], but we are accustomed to seeing holidays applied to varying days during the work week. [Let’s hear it for the holidays...