by Minter Dial | Jun 28, 2020 | Marketing, Minter Dialogue, Podcast
Minter Dialogue with Diane Young Diane Young, who cofounded with her husband George Young The Drum in 1985, has turned it into a powerful and global media platform, rivalling Adweek and Adage. With a mission statement: Marketing Can Change the World, Diane talks to us...
by Minter Dial | Sep 4, 2015 | Branding
A friend who was writing a dissertation asked me to respond to a few questions on digital marketing for luxury brands. Herewith are the questions and answers I gave. Q: Is it vital for luxury brands to go beyond having a mere online presence (i.e. a Facebook page),...
by Minter Dial | Jun 28, 2013 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast, Social Media
Minter Dialogue #67 This interview is with Krista Madden, founder of Handpicked Media, an agency that represents bloggers and vloggers from a wide array of areas, including fashion, beauty, parenting, food and travel. Handpicked Media specializes in arranging...
by Minter Dial | Feb 16, 2011 | Social Media
Drew Ellis, co-founder of Like Minds Andrew ‘Drew’ Ellis is the co-founder of We Are Like Minds, which was founded in October 2009 and has quickly taken up a pole position as thought leaders for business using social media at their global events, and with...