by Minter Dial | Jul 31, 2016 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast, Responsibility
Minter Dialogue with Simon Burridge This interview is with Simon Burridge, former CEO of Virgin Games, once the right hand man to Sir Richard Branson, and with a meaty history in agencies, notably at JWT. Simon is now CEO of Playzoola, a very new kind of gaming offer...
by Minter Dial | Apr 19, 2015 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast
Minter Dialogue Episode #142 — This interview is with Mark Thompson, a world-renowned executive coach who works with top business figures and legends, such as Richard Branson and Charles Schwab and, previously, with Steve Jobs. He is a best-selling author of 3...
by Minter Dial | Dec 2, 2014 | Leadership
Perhaps they are (or were) geeks, but I believe Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos’ obsession with being the biggest beta user of new products defined their success and is something of which all top executives — almost no matter the business —...
by Minter Dial | Feb 4, 2013 | Leadership
Aside from running the biggest corporation in the world, Barack Obama has proven himself a master of digital marketing. His 2012 repeat performance showed a seasoned, even more effective approach considering the new scope and breadth of audience available on the...