A new neutron star in our midst

Picked this story up from the BBC. Is it amazing that, just 250+ light years away, we can still be finding oddities? For my part, I think it’s amazing that we can have the gall to think that we know so much about space to be surprised to be discovering something...

“Simon” says…great film

Caught “Simon,” this powerful, provocative Dutch film on our favorite ARTE channel today. Featuring noone I knew, and with a delightfully well-written dialogue, this 2004 film by Eddy Terstall dares to treat the final days of a reprobate drug dealer who...

Klute style is back – neat and naughty

The New York Observer gave a half page last week to the apparent revival of a close-to-the-brow (“neat and naughty” says the article) haircut made famous by Jane Fonda in the 1971 film Klute, by Alan Pakula. Headlining with Donald Sutherland, Fonda won an...

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