

The following are infographics that I have produced over the years. You are free to download and use them, providing you give appropriate credit: “Infographic created by Minter Dial” Happy to entertain your thoughts and comments, too!

What Is The Value Of A Facebook Fan? [Infographic]

I created this infographic to explain what is and wherein lies the value of a Facebook fan. The short story is that there is no way to place a single value on a fan. The answer is that “it depends.” Not only are some fans worth more than others, but the way you build up engagement on your page makes the value of a fan more or less potent. While this infographic is directed toward Facebook, the concept is equally valid for any social media strategy and other social media platforms (Twitter, Google+…). In any event, ultimately, the value of your fanbase depends on how much you truly care about your customers. For more, read here. Download the infographic here via Slideshare.

What is Digitail? [Infographic]

Digitail concerns all digital tools and applications at the point of the sale (in retail). For the purpose of this infographic, we have limited the scope to customer-facing tools and apps, designed to enrich and enliven the retail experience and, along the process, help build the business. For more, read here. To download this Infographic, click here.

Winning at Digital Transformation [Infographic]

This year may well the year that digital transformation  becomes inscribed in the majority of company’s strategic initiatives in the developed world. If digital projects abound, many do not live up to expectations or become stuck in the mud. So, who is winning at it? This infographic describes some of the characteristics and the evolution of companies. It tackles such questions as who is leading the program and what are some of the keys to success. At the end of the day, digital transformation is not a destination, but a journey to understand, learn and adapt to these new tools, platforms and devices. For more, read here. Download the Infographic Winning Digital Transformation here

Digital Transformation – More Than Resources, A Mindset [Infographic]

If the issue of digital transformation is indeed more about mindset than money, one must ineluctably come to grips with the allocation of those scarce resources. This infographic, based on a survey of more than 300 top executives in the US, looks at the thorny question of resources, benchmarking marketing spend on digital and where the biggest opportunities are said to be among the digital tools and platforms. For more, read here. Download this infographic here.

Digital Transformation For Luxury Brands – How To Add Value In A Luxurious Way [Infographic]

Luxury digital The digital strategies of luxury brands run the gamut from avant-garde (Burberry) to retrograde (e.g. Celine [LVMH] and most old-fashioned watch brands, such as Vacheron Constantin & Blancpain, that refuse to do eCommerce). Whether through ignorance, fear or conservative (reactionary) thinking, luxury brands have generally been slower to move. Digital transformation for luxury brands has, for […] Learn more here. You can download the PDF here: Infographic Digital Transformation for Luxury Brands 10

The Art of Storytelling Via Different Media – Exploring The Last Ring Home [Storygraphic]

How important would you say storytelling is in your life (personally and/or professionally)? It’s an artform that I’ve been exploring ever since school and I continue to search for recipes, insights, inspiration and… great stories. One of the challenges in this digitally charged world is to figure out which media for your story. Moreover, if you’ve created a story and want to repurpose it, how best to go about adjusting it to fit the media? Learn more here. Download the high-resolution storygraphic here.

The 7 Archetypes of Twitter Accounts [Infographic]

With such a large user base on Twitter, it can be a daunting task — especially for newer users — to find the right people to follow.  Leveraging an article entitled, “Who to follow on Twitter,” also published on Social Media Today, I created an infographic-style presentation on the 7 Archetypes of Twitter Users.  The idea is to present a quick read on an account in order better to identify whether the account may be of interest or not. If you would like to download this infographic as a PDF, you can do so here via Slideshare.

To Book Minter

I'm Minter Dial and I serve my clients by elevating the debate and energy, telling powerful stories and connecting people and ideas. My mission to insert more meaningfulness into our lives and at work. I relish being an engaging professional speaker on leadership, transformation and branding. I'm known for being someone who walks the talk and delivers on or above expectations. I'm the author of four award-winning books, including the second edition of my award-winning book, Heartificial Empathy (April 2023, available in English and French), You Lead published by Kogan Page that won the Business Book Award 2022, and Futureproof (FT-Press/Pearson) that won the Business Book Award 2018. I'm also the producer of the award-winning WWII book and documentary film The Last Ring Home.

My new project is Dialogos, Fostering More Meaningful Conversations that was published weekly on Substack over 79 weeks. It will be converted into a series of books in 2024.

Click here to inquire about booking Minter!

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