

This booklet, Meaningful Communication, To Grow Business Effective and Create a Thriving Culture, with lead authors Minter Dial (speaker and author) and Lena Rantsevich (founder of Reputy.io), was written using the outputs of a collaborative session held in London, UK, in February 2024, featuring 38 contributors from a wide array of backgrounds. They included business owners, scientists, senior business executives, psychologists, an anthropologist, business coaches, Web3 and Technology experts, start-up founders and artists. We looked at assessing Meaningful Communication (MC) in the workplace from a diversity of viewpoints and existing theories to explore how we can bring more MC into the business environment. This work was sponsored by dunnhumby, in partnership with Global Tech Advocates-Future of Work.

The purpose of this booklet is to look at the relevance of Meaningful Communication (MC) in the workplace, with the pragmatic goal of growing business effectiveness and creating a thriving culture. With a complex business outlook, rising mental health conditions and difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating talent, the team that contributed to the writing of this white paper saw MC as a key quality for business leaders. By engaging in more MC, not only do teams tackle some of the more important topics for the long-term health of the business, but also foster more meaningful relationships.

Buy the paperback or ebook now on Amazon.  

This booklet, Making Empathy Count, Toward Building an Empathic Culture, with lead authors Minter Dial (speaker and author) and Lena Rantsevich (founder of Reputy.io), was written using the outputs of an immersive session held in London UK, featuring 25 contributors from a wide array of backgrounds, including business owners, scientists, investors, psychologists, an anthropologist, business coaches, Web3 and AI experts, startup founders and artists.

The purpose of this white paper, in the form of a short book, is to look at the relevance of empathy in the workplace, explore how to evaluate and measure it, and investigate how better to match candidates with companies. With a complex business outlook, rising mental health conditions and difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating talent, the team that contributed to the writing of this white paper saw empathy as a key quality for business leaders.

Buy the paperback or ebook now on Amazon.  

Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence

How Being Yourself Makes You A Better Leader (Kogan Page)

We have had over a decade of digital transformation and now a year of pandemic. Businesses are being disrupted more than ever. In this context, there is a need for a new kind of leadership; one that bleeds personality and rings true to employees and customers alike who crave authenticity. You Lead, which won the Business Book Award 2022 for Leadership, argues that business leaders deliver superior results, communities of engagement both inside and outside of the company and true values-driven success when they are themselves and come across as genuine. Get your ebook version via Amazon and many other fine etailers. For more about You Lead, see here.

How To Get Your Business Ready For The Next Disruption (Pearson)

Winner of the Business Book Award 2018, Futureproof provides a blueprint how to manage the new tech disruptions. Co-written with Caleb Storkey, the book has been translated into Chinese and four more languages are pending. Get your Kindle copy here on Amazon. For more about Futureproof, see here.

A POW’s Lasting Legacy of Courage, Love, and Honor in World War II

Winner of the Book Excellence Award 2018 and accompanying an award-winning documentary film, The Last Ring Home is a biography of Lt Minter Dial, a hero whose life and love story were cut short during WWII. Get your Kindle copy here on Amazon. For more about The Last Ring Home, see here.

The Sales Organization of the Future​

Published by Econsultancy​. ​This paper ​explores four key questions for the sales organization of the future.

  1. ​How​ to​ transform a product-oriented company into a value-added​ ​services​ company?
  2. How​ to​ reduce the sales force and render salespeople to be more effective and efficient?
  3. Where and how​ to​ influence​ most effectively​ my customers?
  4. What are the right​ technologies​ ​to embed into the sales process?

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The Brand University

Co-written with Eric Mellet and first published on BrandChannel.

The world of branding has, over a very condensed period of time, undergone a virtual and very real revolution as far as both the consumer and the employee are concerned. The challenge that companies are now facing is how to adapt effectively and efficiently to several convergent paradigm shifts. This white paper reviews some of the major changes and raises questions about the implications for today’s leaders. This paper’s position is that, more than ever before companies need to evolve into Learning Organizations and that instituting a company-wide Brand University can offer a compelling way to accompany such a change.

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Professional, Personal and Private – Getting Your Brand’s Privacy Settings Right

First published on BrandChannel.

When companies have been “brought up” to be high performing and distinctly professional in their approach, there is a risk for them going forward if they do not loosen up their “settings” to be more personal. Not only does the new generation of employees — brought up as ‘digital natives’ — desire to live and work in a more personal and open environment, but customers seek a whole new experience in their engagement with a brand. This experience relies on a personal touch that is best imparted by individuals in the company who are, themselves, personally engaged.

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Tips for Associating Pleasure with Efficiency

Many of us are running on empty, just trying to stay up with the massive influx of messages, overloaded agendas and performance pressures. It amounts to a ton of stress and, unfortunately, we can find ourselves underperforming despite all the activity. Here’s a list of my top ten tips and tricks for making sure that burnout​ ​is averted and that you can work alacrity and efficiency.

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Coacher les Marques (en français) / The Brand Coach

Co-é​crit avec Tiffany Assouline en français.​ Co-written with Tiffany Assouline, The Brand Coach (written in French) looks at the challenge for brands and businesses to be visible in the confusing and crowded online space. This paper looks at the options and opportunities for brands to become both meaningful and successful, starting necessarily with the personnel on the inside.​

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To Book Minter

I'm Minter Dial and I serve my clients by elevating the debate and energy, telling powerful stories and connecting people and ideas. My mission to insert more meaningfulness into our lives and at work. I relish being an engaging professional speaker on leadership, transformation and branding. I'm known for being someone who walks the talk and delivers on or above expectations. I'm the author of four award-winning books, including the second edition of my award-winning book, Heartificial Empathy (April 2023, available in English and French), You Lead published by Kogan Page that won the Business Book Award 2022, and Futureproof (FT-Press/Pearson) that won the Business Book Award 2018. I'm also the producer of the award-winning WWII book and documentary film The Last Ring Home.

My new project is Dialogos, Fostering More Meaningful Conversations that was published weekly on Substack over 79 weeks. It will be converted into a series of books in 2024.

Click here to inquire about booking Minter!

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