Barcelona’s City Bicycle Program – Nice Bicing

Barcelona features–like Paris’ oh so grey Vélib or London’s bright yellow OYBike–a city-sponsored rent-a-bicycle-easily program called Bicing. The small-wheeled red bicycles (photo to right) can be remarked easily, being ridden by mostly...

Led Zeppelin returns to the stage

In 1980, I remember very well how disappointed I was when Led Zeppelin’s Johnnie Bonham died. I had a ticket to Led Zeppelin’s open air concert in London which was subsequently cancelled. Well, that was the end of an era I thought. Of course, Led Zeppelin...

Battle for the Soul of Paris…

How can a beautiful Paris keep its soul? This is basically the question posed in this great article in The Guardian: “Battle for the Soul of a City” by Andrew Hussey. Turned onto this article by Notes from Paris (thanks F), I was delighted by the open and...

Geting a new US passport

A little story that I didn’t talk about regarding our holidays and one that is, by nature, a tad embarrassing. Three days before going for our holidays in Turkey, I went on a business trip to London. After a day of meetings, on the Thursday night, upon arriving...

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