Email send button meets Blog publish button

Ever had nerves as your mouse’s arrow hovers over the “send” button for an email you have written? Whether it was an important message or to an important person or both, you inevitably toiled over each word. Then, rather than act on impulse, you...

Left-handed people are my kind of people

Being left handed is a minority problem (estimated up to 15%). I am not left-handed, but it is a characteristic that I systematically notice in people (I have never managed to detect left-eyed fish – see ABC report). When my wife asked me what image or...

Where is the brain’s brand button?

As a consumer, I do not want to spend oodles of time comparing prices and the quality(-ies) of the product. In the shop, or whenever and wherever I buy, I want trust and a preferred relationship [I may sound like a snob, but our current condition encourages this...

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