Raising money (without raising hairs)

Got this nice story courtesy of Bill in England. Lewis Cullman – notable NYC and Yale philanthropist – has written a little book about raising money, “Can’t Take It With You. The Art of Making and Giving Money.” The story goes along the lines :...

Text versus Image

Went to a seminar held by ANVIE in Paris. We discussed in general the changing landscape of the new media. Joseph Jaffe’s book “Life after the 30 second spot” was cited at the beginning, along with the Ries’ and Zyman’s book on the end of...

The wild world of the web

As many of you know, I have been researching and writing a book about my grandfather, Lt. Minter Dial, after whom I was named. In the continuing pursuit of information, the internet seems to provides endless new sources. Since my grandfather died in December 1944 as a...

Irony of names

Have you ever read John Train’s “Most Remarkable Book of [Real People’s] Names”? Most recommendable. You will find that a married couple was called Doctor and Doctor Doctor. Then to list but a few of the enormously weird names out there: Gaston...

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