The future of money… RIP up the Cheque

When I see that the cheque is basically on its way out of existence in the UK — Boots, WH Smith, Asda, Morrison’s and now the London Underground are all banning the cheque for payment — I got to wondering about the future of money and currency. In...

CRAV – Craving higher prices: Capitalistic Jihad?

Well, it makes sense that somethings just ought to be cheaper in France (than when you buy them overseas), including local produce, no? A question of demand & supply. Then there are those, in France, who can’t seem to make ends meet and strive for more...

Euro’s strength – Export hell

For all the griping about the “weak” economy in France, it is sometimes hard to rationalize here the heady euro-dollar exchange rate where today 1 Euro = $1.3295 (as well as the euro strength against the yen [1 Euro = Y162.853]). And, despite Spain...

Getting rid of plastic shopping bags

When in Nice on holidays, I gladly paid 5 cents at the Monaco Carrefour for a plastic shopping bag. Upon researching the topic, there are apparently between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags used every year by consumers worldwide. I am glad to see that San...

What’s a Finance Minister?

As much as we might spend time defining the role of the different functions in a company (what is the title? whose responsibility is what? what are the measurable objectives?…), an article in Le Figaro on 21 May presented the conundrum of the definition of the...

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