Norway – Greening of the Prison

Following my last post, (How Green Are You?), on the topic of being green, going to have to give a plug for our Norwegian friends, whose government have decided to render Bastoey, one of its low security prisons, “ecologically friendly.” The 115 inmates...

How green are you? An ecometer concept…

As the ecological movement goes mainstream, it occurred to me that we might benefit from a protocol to establish how much each individual is eco-friendly. Not that I am wanting to flush out the hypocritical bobos or ‘gauche caviar’ profiles…but it...

Wind turbines ahoy

With the number of wind turbines worldwide projected to hit a capacity of 90,000 megawatts/MW (or 90 gigawatts/GW) of electricity, I am proud to say that I have at last come right up close to the base of one of these (at least) 30 metre tall constructions. On our...

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