Strikes in Paris, Blogger & Yankees

With a transport strike in Paris now underway, a breakdown with Blogger today (although it wasn’t exactly a strike, it almost felt like it) and the general strikeout by the Yankees (and maybe soon the Red Sox in the ALCS), it seems that strikes are in the air....

The State of Contemporary Art & Ads as New Art

In a world suffering from an overabundance of ‘contemporary’ modern art, is it not possible that advertisements will be the best “representation” of our era? Surely, this is what Firebrand TV is counting on (opens Oct 22 2007). The plethora of...

Rugby as a (role) model for competing

Is rugby the best role model for competing? I believe so. I may be entirely biased since I played rugby (union) for more than fifteen years of my life, but I have established a personal credo that says that when I encounter another rugby player I am very probably...

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