by Minter Dial | Jan 30, 2012 | Social Media
Tablet Reading: Making Digital Media A Beautiful Experience Sometimes the aha moment comes in mysterious ways. But this weekend, it dawned on me: I actually prefer to read on my iPad than on my computer, and probably more than a regular book if you take my pulse...
by Minter Dial | Jan 13, 2012 | Education
Learning Organizations: New ways of managing As companies grapple with the effects and opportunities of the Internet, social media and the smartphone, internal organizations are having to adapt and transform to accommodate new ways of communicating, new marketing...
by Minter Dial | Mar 12, 2011 | Education, Social Media
Cutting up your speech into 140-character Tweets A few nights ago, I was asked to deliver a speech at a Media Aces dinner on what makes a great presentation. Below is a resume of what I said, but the point I wanted to highlight, thanks to a comment by Fadhila Brahimi...
by Minter Dial | Mar 2, 2011 | Social Media
If location, location, location is still the mantra for real estate, there is one word that seems to define our existence in the new business world, and, specifically, the world of marketeers. That word is BLENDED. What does blended mean? Blended, in this case, is a...