Minter Dialogue Episode #94
This is a different kind of podcast than my usual interview of a digital star. This time, I am up! Invited by my old friend and colleague, Rodrigo Padilla (on behalf of
Canada Post), I gave this webinar about the
Future Marketing Trends. While most of the Top Ten Trends will hardly come as a suprise,
per se, the big challenge is in how companies and brands are facing them. No one can escape the importance of mobile or social; but it’s why and how you use them that will be the distinguishing factor.
Meanwhile, you can comment and find the show notes on where you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter. Or you can follow me on Twitter on @mdial. And, if you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over
to iTunes to rate the podcast.
By the way, you can view the webinar
here (via Dropbox download) and you can download an executive version of the presentation on
Slideshare. In addition, if you enjoyed this podcast, you can also sign up to the Minter Dialogue show here via
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Meanwhile, you can find my other English-speaking interviews on the Minter Dialogue Radio Show on
Megaphone or via
iTunes. Please don’t be shy about rating this podcast on iTunes! And for the
francophones reading this, if you want to get more podcasts, you can also find my radio show
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