Quebec paves way in managing delinquency

Le Monde published an article in October (6th), entitled, ” Le Quebec en exemple,” in which it wrote about the Quebec [role] model for handling criminality. The article, subtitled “the challenge of prevention,” focuses on their efforts with...

Rugby as a (role) model for competing

Is rugby the best role model for competing? I believe so. I may be entirely biased since I played rugby (union) for more than fifteen years of my life, but I have established a personal credo that says that when I encounter another rugby player I am very probably...

Will Live Earth encourage the sports world to go green?

The greening of sports In the aftermath of Live Earth 7.7.07, it struck me that the sporting world could also take up the green cause in a more formal fashion. Live Earth apparently attracted an audience of 2 billion people. [As an aside, I would like to see some of...

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