Over the course of the last month, 39 people replied to this poll question (posted on the blog via polldaddy):
What does the future hold for Twitter?
Ok, so the results are not statistically relevant with just 39 results, but I thought I would publish the results of my Twitter survey all the same as I am not going to wait until 60 people ante up.
15/39, or 38%, said that “Twitter will fizzle out and die an ugly death” which was actually a surprise for me considering the mid-survey news that an investment was being made in Twitter, valuing the company at $1 billion. The second most popular answer was that Twitter would be bought out by another bigger social media site… which, of course, obviously left out the idea that Twitter might be bought by a ‘nervy’ private equity company. The ‘investment’ in this case is, naturally, just a means to getting fully bought out.
A minority (11/39) believed that Twitter might thrive on its own and/or provide some value-added independently.
The story continues. If and when Twitter finds its economic model, we may get to the bottom of the end of ‘HOW DOES FREE = MONEY?’ question. We’ll be sure to watch this Twitterspace! And, while I’m on the subject, here are my two favourite Twitter resources:
- Tweetdeck: Sets up a dashboard to follow what’s going in your Twittersphere
- Friend or Folllow: Who are you following that’s not following you back? Who’s following you that you’re not following back
For a comprehensive list of all Twitter resources, go to the incomparable Oneforty.com.