Minter Dialogue Episode #88

This interview is with Ashley Friedlein, CEO and co-founder of Econsultancy, an international research and training group, focused on digital. With a subscriber base of over 210,000, Econsultancy has a great product with an interesting approach that I am sure you will appreciate*.
By the way, you can also sign up to the Minter Dialogue podcast here via iTunes.
To connect with Ashley Friedlein:
- Follow Ashley on Twitter
- You can send an email to Ashley here
- Ashley Friedlein on Linkedin
Sites mentioned by Ashley Friedlein:
- Simon Andrews at Addictive (You can also follow Simon @simonbigpicture on Twitter)
Further resources for the Minter Dialogue podcast:

Meanwhile, you can find my other interviews on the Minter Dialogue Show in this podcast tab, on Megaphone or via Apple Podcasts. If you like the show, please go over to rate this podcast via RateThisPodcast!
And for the francophones reading this, if you want to get more podcasts, you can also find my radio show en français over at:, on Megaphone or in iTunes.
Music credit: The jingle at the beginning of the show is courtesy of my friend, Pierre Journel, author of the Guitar Channel. I invite you to take a spin!