Minter Dialogue Episode #84

This interview, recorded right before the Christmas break, is with
David Zinger, world renowned expert on employee engagement. David is a prolific author and blogger on the topic, and founder of the flourishing Employee Engagement Network. Employee engagement is of special interest to me because of the importance of the individual employee in his/her role of re-presenting the brand on the front line with customers.
By the way, you can also sign up to the Minter Dialogue podcast here via iTunes.
To connect with David Zinger and pursue the employee engagement conversation:
Sites and/or books mentioned by David:
- The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work, by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer
- David’s PDF: “39 lessons on organizations, work and engagement from honey bees.”
- “People Artistry at Work: The Ennoblement Imperative” by Peter W. Hart and David Zinger. You can send an email to David Zinger here
Further resources for the Minter Dialogue Radio Show:

Meanwhile, you can find my other English-speaking interviews on the Minter Dialogue Radio Show on
Megaphone or via
iTunes. Please don’t be shy about rating this podcast on iTunes! And for the
francophones reading this, if you want to get more podcasts, you can also find my radio show
en français over at :, on
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Music credit: The jingle at the beginning of the show is courtesy of my friend, Pierre Journel, author of the
Guitar Channel. I invite you to take a spin!