There has been much written about the need to create legitimate, powerful and engaging brand content. Finding and expressing meaning, meanwhile, is not so easy to do. Some brands hire “intelligent” consultants and agencies to craft clever advertising messages, write great blog posts and create enticing window displays. Marketers just love to get clever. But, sometimes, it’s better to focus on doing the basics properly. Does the store front say clearly what you offer? Is the name of the store visible (including on Google Maps)? Is the merchandise properly displayed and priced? And, more profoundly, what does the brand provide in terms of point of difference?

Brand Content 2

Brand Content Misspelled

Some photos are absolutely meaningless. At its heart, this photo above is devoid of interest. Totally bland, right? I snapped it above because of the ‘small’ mistake in the window display. Could this be a marketing ploy to stop people in their tracks? This store is located on very expensive real estate on Kensington High Street in London. But, the more I looked at the photo, the more I found meaning in it… I noticed that the store didn’t have a name. It’s entirely obscure to me as to what it is offering? In fact, without the spelling mistake, this store and its window display could hardly have been more bland.

Digital content

People lament the way digital is impacting our society negatively. And yet, there are many untapped benefits to digital. For example, in the situation above, if the display were digital, nothing would be easier than to backspace and write over the error. Moreover, by having digital content, it’s rather easy to test and learn. You can capture data that helps to understand interaction. You can even “feel” what works better with A/B testing… The analogue signage surely has its usages, but you wonder what will make people convert to the new era…?

Making brand content relevant, engaging and powerful is no easy art form. Share on X An eye for detail is probably a good starting point! Maybe they should stert by spalling correctly?

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