Minter Dialogue Episode #188charlene li

This interview is with Charlene Li, principal analyst and MD (and founder) at Altimeter, now part of Prophet. Charlene is a best-selling author, mega influencer on Linkedin, speaker and expert on leadership and business strategy. In this podcast, we talk about the challenges and keys to success in digital transformation, how to articulate the role of leadership throughout the digital transformation process, the need (or not) for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and much more.

Below, you’ll find the show notes and, of course, you are invited to comment. If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes to rate the podcast.

About leading digital transformation process within an organization: 'You cannot change the way people are when you encounter them. You need to meet them where they are.' @charleneli Share on X

About corporate culture: “…unless you are obsessed [with your customer and employees], you’re going to be beaten by someone who is more obsessed than you are. …” 'Do you have a culture of customer obsession in your organization? Because nothing less than this will do!' @charleneli Share on X

To connect with Charlene Li:

Site(s) mentioned by Charlene:

  • The Engaged Leader, the latest book by Charlene Li – A strategy for your digital transformation
  • Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline (and which is set to be a film by Steven Spielberg for release in 2018)


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Meanwhile, you can find my other interviews on the Minter Dialogue Radio Show on Megaphone or via iTunes. Please don’t be shy about rating this podcast on iTunes here! And for the francophones reading this, if you want to get more podcasts, you can also find my radio show en français over at:, on Megaphone or in iTunes.

Music credit: The jingle at the beginning of the show is courtesy of my friend, Pierre Journel, author of the Guitar Channel. And, the new sign off music is “Finger Paint,” written and performed by Josh Saxe, produced by Chase Geiser. Here’s a link on iTunes. I invite you to take a spin on Pierre’s podcast or listen to more of Josh’s music!

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