It seems that every other article I read has a reference to AI these days. And it’s not because Spring has arrived, I dare say. I think it may be fair to say that we have left the long winter of AI and are finally stumbling into the spring of AI… where real projects, solving real solutions are beginning to flourish. The sector is specialising and AI is being used across all manner of industries, categories and sectors.

The Devil is in the Data

spring is in the ai

Spring is in the AI

It appears, meanwhile, that the machine-driven trading systems deployed by large financial institutions have been flummoxed by Brexit. Given the divisions in the British government, much less in the general population, it seems that the news-reading algorithms can’t make any better head or tail of the situation and the potential trading implications. Reuters, for example, has been publishing 400 headlines per day in recent weeks on Brexit. The multiple stakeholders, opinion leaders and contradictory remarks is an awful spaghetti to digest. It’s no wonder that AI may be suffering from some springtime hay fever! [Check out this Reuters article on the topic]

Specialisations springing up

If I’m to continue the allegory that Spring is in the AI, I’d relate data to the pollen, [under threat] bees to the data scientists and the different allergies to poor ethics. The challenges with AI will be legion, but the opportunities are immensely exciting. 

The specialisations will soon flower into sub-specialisations. To wit, I recently did a podcast with Katie King about using AI in Marketing. By 2020, one could expect books about AI in gardening?

As Pangloss said in Candide, we all need to cultivate our own garden.

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