The power of digital organization In this, the last of the 5 posts on the best productivity tools, the focus here is on the power of lists, groups and filters. Call it your Digital Network Organization (D.N.O.). Best in class management skills inevitably...
Leadership, Brand & Transformation
Results for "productivity tools"
Leadership, Brand & Transformation
Results for "productivity tools"
The five greatest productivity tools: the wow desktop search Greplin (#4 of 5)
Where's that file? As so much of what we do dematerializes into some form of digital matter, the way we organize our digital assets will be as important as the old filing systems we used to hang physical papers in our cabinets. That said, thanks to random...
The five greatest productivity tools: Doodle to help set up meetings (#3 of 5)
Are you available on the....? Hate ‘em as you may, meetings are a mainstay in business because of the underlying power of conversation. And communication is the lifeblood of a business. However, one of the biggest hurdles is in finding a time that...
The five greatest productivity tools: Evernote #2 of 5
KEEPING MULTIMEDIA NOTES (in the cloud) In this series, I want to present the top 5 productivity tools that I use on a daily basis. Business life is a long list of things to do, to read, to remember and, increasingly, to share. We have to remember so many...
The five greatest productivity tools: Dropbox #1 of 5
It still takes time to save time...Below is the first of a "thread" on the five best productivity enhancing tools that I use on a regular basis. What I find is as important as the specific tool itself is the selection of the category for these tools....

To Book Minter
I'm Minter Dial and I serve my clients by elevating the debate and energy, telling powerful stories and connecting people and ideas. My mission to insert more meaningfulness into our lives and at work. I relish being an engaging professional speaker on leadership, transformation and branding. I'm known for being someone who walks the talk and delivers on or above expectations. I'm the author of four award-winning books, including the second edition of my award-winning book, Heartificial Empathy (April 2023, available in English and French), You Lead published by Kogan Page that won the Business Book Award 2022, and Futureproof (FT-Press/Pearson) that won the Business Book Award 2018. I'm also the producer of the award-winning WWII book and documentary film The Last Ring Home.
My new project is Dialogos, Fostering More Meaningful Conversations that was published weekly on Substack over 79 weeks. It will be converted into a series of books in 2024.