by Minter Dial | Sep 4, 2018 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast
Minter Dialogue with Simon La Fosse Simon La Fosse is founder and chairman at his eponymous firm, La Fosse Associates, an award-winning recruitment agency founded in 2007 and specialised in technology recruitment. While based in the UK, they also have a presence in LA...
by Minter Dial | May 17, 2016 | Marketing
The Guardian are hiring.* If you go to The Guardian’s site and right click anywhere on the page “View Page Source,” you will find a page that opens with the following code: We are (creatively) hiring… Under the headline, they write: Ever...
by Minter Dial | Oct 31, 2015 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast
Minter Dialogue Episode #170 This interview is with Jonny Campbell, founder and CEO of Social Talent, a fast-growing agency based in Dublin that provides specialised training for HR personnel to improve their online recruitment efforts. Jonny was the masterful emcee...
by Minter Dial | Aug 26, 2014 | Social Media
Unless you have been living in a cave, you now have an idea to what extent big brother is watching over you. Every day, there is worrying talk or media coverage around cyber-spying, cyber-criminality and privacy incursions, not to mention the data...
by Minter Dial | May 8, 2014 | Social Media
Minter Dialogue Episode #102 This interview is with Celica Thellier, a friend from my time at L’Oreal, who is now co-founder of a French start-up called Meilleures Entreprises. For those of you who know GlassDoor, it’s in a similar space: helping to understand better...