Lost work hours from Facebook alone?

The BBC reports yesterday from the ongoing BA (British Association) Festival of Science at York University conference that Facebook is estimated to cause 130 million pounds PER DAY in lost productivity. Naturally, after one considers the lost productivity of phone...

College courses on Facebook!

Stanford University is now offering a course in how to use Facebook… specifically on “application deployment.” Stanford Course. Got to love that spunk (way to snake the fame from Harvard, from whence came the founders)! How quick are business schools...

How empathetic are you? Contagious to Yawn’s?

How empathetic do you think you are? Apparently, you can now do an in-situ/impromptu style test anytime you see someone else yawning. If you are prone to yawn as well — i.e. that the yawn was contagious — a new study out suggests that, because not everyone...

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