China steps up efforts on Ecology

China bans free bags! In a second post (“Getting rid of Plastic Bags” May 2007) on the topic, I read in the Herald Tribune with a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity about China’s intended policy to ban the giving out of free plastic bags in shops...

Norway quota for women on corporate boards

A bold decision I read with interest about Norway’s legislated quota for women’s presence on publicly traded private limited liability (“ASA”) corporate boards. The improvements in equality on boards in Norway were not coming fast enough*, so,...

Battle for the Soul of Paris…

How can a beautiful Paris keep its soul? This is basically the question posed in this great article in The Guardian: “Battle for the Soul of a City” by Andrew Hussey. Turned onto this article by Notes from Paris (thanks F), I was delighted by the open and...

The State of Contemporary Art & Ads as New Art

In a world suffering from an overabundance of ‘contemporary’ modern art, is it not possible that advertisements will be the best “representation” of our era? Surely, this is what Firebrand TV is counting on (opens Oct 22 2007). The plethora of...

Rice: Climate change a problem

Was quite interested to see that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has openly stated that “climate change is a real problem.” A statement that has taken a long time to come. At a meeting, held in DC, of the 16 most polluting countries, the BBC reports...

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