Minter Dialogue #50

This interview is with
Giles Palmer, CEO and founder of
BrandWatch, an UK-based
social media monitoring company that has been around since 2007. Giles is at the heart of mining and understanding text, which remains a hot and rather difficult, if not disputed area in the world of social media marketing. You’ll appreciate Giles’ down to earthiness in this conversation I had with him, where we discuss the challenges of tracking the social media networks, forums and blogs to help brands navigate the 2.0 web.
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To connect with Giles Palmer
- You can contact Giles Palmer via Twitter (and find out why he has a goofy handle in the interview!)
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Thanks Minter – really enjoyed our chat
Thanks Minter – really enjoyed our chat
Great talk!
My recent post How do you use social media to gain consumer trust?
Great talk!
My recent post How do you use social media to gain consumer trust?
Good podcast man, is there anyway I can download it? ok never mind I doubled check I see theres a download button. stupied IE. giving me issues. Social media can be hell, but a blessing! double edge sword!
Good podcast man, is there anyway I can download it? ok never mind I doubled check I see theres a download button. stupied IE. giving me issues. Social media can be hell, but a blessing! double edge sword!
Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the company’s reputation!
Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the company’s reputation!