Rockin’ Robin - Tweet, tweedle-lee-deeTwitter logo, The Myndset Digital Marketing

When you read a Tweet — depending on the time you have allocated yourself — there is a whole slew of actions you can possibly do (of course, it varies depending if you are already following you or if you are following them).  For some, the buttons are immediately visible, others are a step away.  What is the best action?  What is the right Twitter etiquette (or Twitterquette as some say)? It can be a little confusing at times.  Below are 17 different actions you can take, listed in order from the worst to nicest thing you can do:

Twitter follow or reply options, The Myndset Digital Marketing and Brand Strategy

  1. Report for Spam
  2. Block the user (from appearing in your stream)
  3. Unfollow
  4. Remove from a list you have created
  5. Ignore
  6. Skim
  7. Read with interest
  8. Click on a hashtag in the tweet (and see where that goes…)
  9. Create a link to the tweet (that you might use for your own content or forward)
  10. Click on a link in the tweet (and read the associated article)
  11. Send a DM direct message back
  12. Email the Tweet status to someone in your network
  13. Tweet back (write a reply – aka “mention”)
  14. Add the person/account to a list
  15. Favorite it
  16. Retweet (RT) to your network
  17. Follow if you’re not doing so already

I wonder how many Tweetos are familiar with all these actions?  BTW, have I missed any?  Do you agree with their order?

Is the FAVORITE a favorite… of yours?

Of all the options, there is only one that I have had trouble getting my head around: “favorite.”  Yet, it is seemingly quite a popular button, one that is used a lot.  Here is what some tweetos replied when I put the question out there to my community as to how they use the favorite button:

  • @Vesnalyze:  As a reminder. Or to tell someone how meaningful his tweet is. I believe 🙂
  • @GabrielleNYC: I use the favourite button as a bookmark, read later tool 🙂
  • @Marilor: Bookmark, readitlater, screenshot, etc. 😉
  • @MarcusGoddard: To keep track of compliments or suggestions. Also, because there isn’t a Like button.
  • @Llautrid: I use the favorite button of #Twitter as the Like button of FaceBook

As the above indicates, the usage is quite varied.  On the Twitter clients (Tweetdeck, Hootsuite…), the favorite button is essentially put in evidence at the same level as a RETWEET.  Just as on Facebook, where you have like, comment & share, on Twitter you can favorite, retweet or mention.  Different vocabulary, same intention?  I often wonder why someone will favorite without retweeting.  Favoriting is much more discrete.  I doubt Klout, Kred and the like will score how many tweets are favorited in their influence measurement algorithms!  More importantly, I would wager that most people don’t go back to read their favorite lists much.  It appears to me to be one of the nice buttons, but that serves little material purpose.  What do you think?

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