The Untranslatables – Part 3 of the Things we say…

Having always enjoyed learning languages, I revel in the difference between one language and another. Amongst my musings, I conjure up reasons to explain a language’s structure or vocabulary. Herewith are some of my favorite, if frivolous, observations about a...

Will Live Earth encourage the sports world to go green?

The greening of sports In the aftermath of Live Earth 7.7.07, it struck me that the sporting world could also take up the green cause in a more formal fashion. Live Earth apparently attracted an audience of 2 billion people. [As an aside, I would like to see some of...

O 2 Marry a Geek

Well, what goes around comes around. I enjoyed this BBC story about how geeks are the new highly sought-after prospective husbands in India. Notwithstanding, of course, the old fashioned component of the practice, it is still funny to see that the Geek is the new...

Air Travel … better enjoy the ads

When I compare intra-Europe flying to continental US flying, the two major differences for me are that there are many more direct flights from city to city in Europe (no hub & spokes) and that it is harder to feel the (economic) pinch on European airlines. While...

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