Everywhere you look, companies are knee-deep in some form of digital transformation program. To the extent the subject is high up on the ExCom’s list of priorities, the most likely conclusion is that the company feels that they are late to the game. The biggest...
Digital marketing budgets and costs are bound to rise. As mainstream organizations shift their resources into the digital channels, the ipso facto consequence is that costs are going to increase. Demand will push up prices, especially since there is...
The product is king!How to spot a company that isn’t customer centric? Product centric companies have a tendency to believe that they are equally customer centric. The story in the heads of top management goes along the lines of: “Product is King and...
Is your team on board with your client centric strategy?Who’s on first? I love this old line from Abbott & Costello (see the absolutely hilarious 1945 video below) and made famous around the world by Tom Hank in Forest Gump. As businesses struggle to figure...
In search of the CEO Myndset In a world of economic crises, burgeoning competition, regulatory oversight and the revolution that is the Internet, I think it would be fair to say that the role of the CEO is under siege. The “strategic”...