by Minter Dial | Aug 6, 2009 | Travel
If you drive a car in Paris, then you know what a daily battle it is to find a parking place…. especially one that is not under a pigeon-infested tree which will cause the chrome paint to dissolve the following morning because of all the pigeon dooodoo. On...
by Minter Dial | Mar 17, 2009 | Marketing
The Paris mayor’s office has seen fit to launch an outdoor ad campaign to keep Paris clean. The image of trash in one or other natural environment is headlined with “unacceptable” or “scandalous” in Paris, too! To the...
by Minter Dial | Oct 13, 2008 | Business, Marketing, Mobile, Podcast, Politics
Despite the sleek look & feel, I know that the Apple iPhone is still not perfect for my needs, so I have resisted the temptation thus far. Instead, I am content to max out my iPod. Although the agenda and contacts are weak applications in the Apple mobile...
by Minter Dial | May 3, 2008 | Politics
Boris Johnson has won a most interesting and widely publicized London mayoral race. Congratulations Boris! And, perhaps, fittingly, it was a May Day [2008] victory. This “Observers” article [removed] pitting a pigeon-on-his-head Ken Livingstone (Labour)...
by Minter Dial | Nov 21, 2007 | Travel
My wife and I just spent a most memorable week in Egypt, on the famed Nile. Thanks to my mother who hoofed it over from the States to watch over our children, we were afforded a romantic getaway. The visit, organized through Club Med (CM), was part hotel, part cruise....