by Minter Dial | Aug 2, 2015 | Minter Dialogue, Social Media
Minter Dialogue Episode #157 This interview is with Harriet Ruff, IBM Social Consulting, based in London, working on social business, big data and content analytics. In this conversation, we explore what is social business, we look at the cross section of big data and...
by Minter Dial | Feb 22, 2015 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast
Minter Dialogue with Jeff Rohrs This interview is with Jeff Rohrs, VP of Marketing and Insights at Salesforce, as well as author the must-read book Audience, Marketing in the age of subscribers, fans & followers. In this podcast, we talk about digital...
by Minter Dial | Sep 28, 2014 | Minter Dialogue, Social Media
Minter Dialogue Episode #114 This interview is with Rylan Holey, EMEA Partner Manager for Hootsuite, the versatile and robust social media management system. With a background in music and working in social, Rylan is passionate about social business. In this...
by Minter Dial | Mar 13, 2014 | Social Media
There are typically three schools of thought about South by Southwest (aka SXSW): It’s over. It’s over-hyped. It’s passé. It’s a zoo. It’s a waste of time. I also heard “too much ass licking.” This, or words to that...
by Minter Dial | Feb 11, 2014 | Social Media
One of the big buzz words being thrown about by the digirati (aka intelligentsia of digital marketing) and social media marketing mavens is the concept of a social business. Among the bigger groups, IBM and the Dachis Group seem to be deking it out on claiming the...