by Minter Dial | Jul 12, 2016 | Mobile
When will we learn that when and how we use our mobile at home is not when and how we should use it in public? Just as we don’t walk around in our skivvies outside, we need to dress our mobile manners outside the home. In any walk on a busy sidewalk, it is...
by Minter Dial | Dec 8, 2015 | Leadership
Last week, I conducted a survey and received nearly 200 responses. You can see the first post on the topic here, featuring the results across the 13 questions, each of which tackled a specific “digital” situation. For each question, the respondents were...
by Minter Dial | Dec 1, 2015 | New Tech
It’s true that my peers and I (as well as plenty of those that followed) went to school with any more than (at best) access to a computer. So how is society to self-educate? With parents that haven’t been trained, we are supposed to be setting the course....
by Minter Dial | Jun 4, 2015 | Meaningfulness, New Tech
In this fast-paced world we are now all living in, one of the biggest things I see missing in people’s eyes is POSITIVE ENERGY. Too many people just seem to be running on thin air. Whether they are overtaxed by work, personal family life or an overdose...
by Minter Dial | Apr 29, 2014 | Social Media
Have you ever been mad at the way someone has used his/her mobile phone? For example, do any of the images below irritate you? Do you find that mobile etiquette is missing? As mobile, tablet and phablet variations continue their indomitable overtaking of our connected...