by Minter Dial | Oct 22, 2015 | Branding
Pretty much everyone has an opinion on what is a brand. But, as the saying goes, it’s like teenagers and great sex: lots of talk, little action. When it comes to actions, many executive teams are killing their brand with fake brand building concepts. And the...
by Minter Dial | Jan 7, 2015 | Cyber Security, Leadership
Corporate cyber security, as an industry, is about to hit the big payload. Corporate IT teams around the world are already in overdrive, pushed by a near-panicked CEO, calling around to figure out the right systems and solutions. Consultancies who have positioned...
by Minter Dial | Dec 21, 2014 | Cyber Security, Leadership, Responsibility
We live in an increasingly transparent world, like it or not. In the wake of the SONY hack attack, I have been ruminating about the request by the company for the media NOT to broadcast the private (and embarrassing) emails. In September, when the Apple iCloud was...
by Minter Dial | Feb 21, 2009 | Branding
The evolution of all media is fascinating to follow, but today I am going to zero in on the printed word. Whether it’s the future of magazines, books, mainstream newspapers or even research & professional journals, the internet platform is causing...