An alter ego – The Dials on Vinyl

Ever get the feeling you missed out on something in life with the career that you chose? Well, I have always enjoyed a few passions on the side, including writing and music. If I were to have created a band, I think to myself, what band would that have been? What name...

Quebec paves way in managing delinquency

Le Monde published an article in October (6th), entitled, ” Le Quebec en exemple,” in which it wrote about the Quebec [role] model for handling criminality. The article, subtitled “the challenge of prevention,” focuses on their efforts with...

Facebook Taking Off

Facebook is growing at a rate of knots, it’s hard to imagine where it will stop. This pick up from Mashable is interesting as it speaks to the aforementioned (prior post “Googlotics”) role of the online presence in political races. Put your two cents...

Elusive first win for Japan and Canada – RWC 2007

Sort of hard to believe that neither Japan nor Canada were able to notch a RWC victory. Coming away with a 12-12 draw could hardly be rewarding for either side, although the Japanese were ecstatic to pull even with a dramatic extra-time score and conversion. The...

Sicko – SOS Message on target

If you haven’t seen Sicko, by Michael Moore, then you must. It opened in the US on June 29 and now is also out in Paris (see here for listings). Surely, this is a message that will resound for all Americans living abroad, experiencing some form or other of...

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