by Minter Dial | Feb 12, 2008 | Social Media
To Do or Not to Do? I get, what seems to be, undue pleasure at times by crossing out an item on my list of things to do. The mere act of crossing out the item (or ticking the box on the blackberry or PDA “tasks”) is itself a pleasure. That said, I have...
by Minter Dial | Nov 12, 2007 | Social Media
After a week of being disconnected from my computer and the Internet, I can truthfully say that I felt good about it. No email or blogging withdrawal symptoms, albeit a few other symptoms that come with visiting Egypt (more about the trip in another post). Having been...
by Minter Dial | Aug 14, 2007 | Uncategorized
On the good advice of a charming new acquaintance, Jean-Marc, I was sent to the site And, I immediately found an interesting piece of advice which I thought I would share: when creating feeds, allow for full text feeds. The polemic was initiated after...