Euro’s strength – Export hell

For all the griping about the “weak” economy in France, it is sometimes hard to rationalize here the heady euro-dollar exchange rate where today 1 Euro = $1.3295 (as well as the euro strength against the yen [1 Euro = Y162.853]). And, despite Spain...

European competitivity, French competitivity

We are 24 hours away from the French elections and I feel compelled to add a new comment. I read an article by Cyrille Lachevre entitled “La faiblesse de la compétitivité française,” in the Figaro on April 12, 2007. Other European countries are making...

Stock markets : Tokyo vs NYSE

The Figaro newspaper on 20 March published a thorough audit of France. Very interesting if only that it doesn’t seem to scream out what is needed to change around the situation (stagnant growth, etc.). While reading the audit, I came across stats on various...

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