by Minter Dial | May 16, 2023 | Health, Mental Health, Responsibility
In search of meaning There are several thought leaders who I follow, such as John Vervaeke and Jamie Wheal, who’ve also been writing that, as a society, we are experiencing a crisis of meaning. Many people either feel that their life is missing meaningfulness or...
by Minter Dial | May 17, 2018 | Leadership, Marketing, Responsibility
To accept imperfection is perhaps the most complicated of attitudes to adopt in business. It’s almost antithetical to everything senior business executives have been trained to do. In some regards, however, I would suggest it’s a core mindset for an...
by Minter Dial | Oct 2, 2012 | Business
The Cults of Perfection and SecrecyA couple of days ago (Sept 28) both the US Intelligence and Apple did something simultaneously and quite counter cultural: they both admitted that they had made mistakes. Both the US intelligence and Apple have a history of not...