by Minter Dial | Apr 5, 2018 | Cyber Security, Leadership
I bet it’s frustrating working in a large organisation and to keep hearing about “test & learn” or “fail fast” or “agile management” when management behaviour contradicts the words. If recent history is any indicator of...
by Minter Dial | Dec 5, 2017 | Marketing
Considering most computers come with spell checkers, it seems hard to imagine how an important document can ever have spelling mistakes. Not that my blog — with over 1300 posts — or my books are without mistakes, but when you have a...
by Minter Dial | Aug 19, 2014 | Social Media
Finding the time to understand and invest in social media to help drive the business is one of the biggest laments I hear from top executives; even more so for small businesses (SMB). For these smaller companies without an agency of record or a highly developed...
by Minter Dial | Oct 2, 2012 | Business
The Cults of Perfection and SecrecyA couple of days ago (Sept 28) both the US Intelligence and Apple did something simultaneously and quite counter cultural: they both admitted that they had made mistakes. Both the US intelligence and Apple have a history of not...