Minter Dialogue Episode #107 This interview is with Justin Brown, co-founder with Mark Bakacs of Ideapod, a social platform for collecting and amplifying ideas that matter. It’s a really interesting initiative that has just opened a beta version. There are already...
Who isn’t in pursuit of happiness? Would you not agree that Pharrell William’s song, “Happy,” is wonderfully a propos for our times? Launched in November 2013, it’s small surprise that Happy has sold over 7 million copies around the world...
As much as I may be a fan of Twitter (and I remain so, especially for business use), I cannot but admire the growth and functionalities of the “new” social media sites coming out of China and Japan. The two headliners are, respectively, WeChat (from...
I just had my 20th year reunion at INSEAD in Fontainebleau. It was a magical affair. Some 80 of my year came, with about half accompanied by significant others, to bring the total on site up to 120+ people. It was our first bona fide Facebook reunion as well, to the...
With regard to the use of social media for your business, have you ever heard someone else say (or thought yourself): ”Why bother? It probably won’t be around in a couple of years!” The social media graveyard To each thought, one can...