by Minter Dial | Sep 3, 2008 | Politics
Xavier Darcos, France’s Education Minister announced the giving of free [correction] English lessons over the summer months (starting next year) to willing students. What a shift in direction for the French who tend to promote francophonie. See here for the BBC...
by Minter Dial | May 20, 2008 | Education
How to get rid of the bad apples? As much as I would love to continue praising the great teachers in my life, it occurs to me that many countries feel that their educational systems are in dire straits. With my Franco – Anglo – American educational...
by Minter Dial | Mar 18, 2008 | Branding, Business, Marketing
Cars going on Green? Don’t you find it odd that, in today’s eco-sensitive world, a traffic light has a green light to “go?” Meanwhile, the automotive industry carries the stigma of being one of the most visible causes for global warming. Notwithstanding this notion,...
by Minter Dial | Feb 20, 2008 | Sports, WWII
So, who were my inspiring teachers? I remember the great teachers in my life as if it were yesterday that I was sitting in their classroom and reveling in the learning. I have been blessed to have had six standout teachers whom I will honour today in the post below....
by Minter Dial | Dec 5, 2007 | Education
I saw the other day (Dec 1, 2007) in Le Figaro about an opinion poll saying that 81% of (4,470) French people interviewed via internet were in favor of having an (American style) graduation ceremony to mark the end of a university (equivalent) degree in France. I...