Leadership, Brand & Transformation

Results for "hotel"

Leadership, Brand & Transformation

Results for "hotel"

A Solid Internet Strategy for the SMB

How does a small business figure out its internet strategy without the services of a big agency?  This is the typical question for the owner of (very) small business.  The internet is daunting for many, but not for all, especially if you are an optimist at heart and...

Plain Training versus Learning & Growing – 7 key guidelines

It is my belief that continuing education in a company will be one of the distinguishing forces that sorts the great from the good brands. Great education is not just motivating. It is not just a way to improve skills and acquire knowledge. Great education is a fundament to creating a corporate “culture” and transmitting and living corporate values. If innovation, collaboration and fluid communication are vital for creating a successful client-centric organization, a training philosophy that is itself innovative, collaborative and interactive is a great way to set your company on a successful trajectory. Here are 7 important guidelines to making great education.

The French Service Issue : “mal compris”

French Service For some, "French Service" is an oxymoron.  Some like to say the same thing of American Intelligence.  But as far as French Intelligence is concerned and American Service, we tend to be on the right track! Regarding French service, there has been much...

Announcing a Haredim Kosher Search Engine: Koogle

THE SEARCH MARKET GOES KOSHER This post is being published today, Wednesday, a day other than Saturday, on purpose. It is about yet another new search engine... In the wake of Wolfram Alpha and Bing, announcing Koogle (www.koogle.co.il), a cross between Google and...

To Book Minter

I'm Minter Dial and I serve my clients by elevating the debate and energy, telling powerful stories and connecting people and ideas. My mission to insert more meaningfulness into our lives and at work. I relish being an engaging professional speaker on leadership, transformation and branding. I'm known for being someone who walks the talk and delivers on or above expectations. I'm the author of four award-winning books, including the second edition of my award-winning book, Heartificial Empathy (April 2023, available in English and French), You Lead published by Kogan Page that won the Business Book Award 2022, and Futureproof (FT-Press/Pearson) that won the Business Book Award 2018. I'm also the producer of the award-winning WWII book and documentary film The Last Ring Home.

My new project is Dialogos, Fostering More Meaningful Conversations that was published weekly on Substack over 79 weeks. It will be converted into a series of books in 2024.

Click here to inquire about booking Minter!

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