by Minter Dial | Nov 1, 2015 | Leadership
Over the last week, we have seen a host of announced mergers and acquisition. Taken together, in my opinion, these would harken some scary conclusions. Buy me to the moon? In the last week alone, we saw three acquisitions announced that show how fiercely these...
by Minter Dial | May 15, 2012 | Ethics, Leadership, Responsibility
Unless you live in a cave, you will have heard that JP Morgan has taken a (minor) hit to its balance sheet as well as its “balanced” management reputation. As several articles have pointed out (I refer you to the Daily Beast), there have been three...
by Minter Dial | Oct 29, 2008 | Business
Cicero Called for Balancing the Budget … 2000 years ago Cicero, the Roman statesman (106BC-43BC) is said to have said the following: “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of...
by Minter Dial | Oct 12, 2008 | Education
15 YEARS LATER : MY 15-YEAR REUNION AT INSEAD I have just completed my 15-year reunion at INSEAD in Fontainebleau. There were some 59 fellow classmates (out of about 205) who came in from 16 countries (3 came from Australia). It was a lovely way to reconnect – among...
by Minter Dial | Nov 2, 2007 | Mobile
China is making progress up the Global Power Ranking if you count market caps. Chinese publicly traded companies are now dominating the top 10 list of biggest market capitalizations worldwide. A Le Figaro article of 30 October highlighted that 5 out of the top 10...