by Minter Dial | Jul 8, 2011 | Social Media
Social Media is for real, if… Succeeding in a social media strategy is a complex affair because you need to pit the temptation of short term gain against the long term build. But, here are, what I believe to be, the three golden tips. How to win at the...
by Minter Dial | May 18, 2011 | Social Media
Limit to 140 characters! Presumably, if you are reading this blog, I would tend to think that, if you don’t have your own Twitter account, you have probably heard of Twitter. But, maybe I’m wrong. I’d love to know the answer about this blog’s...
by Minter Dial | May 2, 2011 | Social Media
BREAKING NEWS MayDay, MayDay: I interrupt this fine Monday morning to bring you breaking news: Twitter is the best & fastest way to get the news. Twitter is not just social, it is media. I learned about the death of Osama Bin Laden this morning in my Twitter...
by Minter Dial | Apr 28, 2011 | Social Media
The ABC’s of Enterprise 2.0 If the three reasons — Agility, Coherence & Effectiveness – I wrote about in this post “Enterprise 2.0, The building blocks of a social marketing & media strategy” have an apt acronym in the...
by Minter Dial | Apr 28, 2011 | Social Media
Getting the mindset right first We all know resources are limited, so it is essential to know to prioritize. In this vein, one of the conundrums facing companies is to know whether they should focus first on their external social media marketing strategy (to get...