Distribution lists and email practice(s)

Are you on anyone’s mailing list? Have you created mailing lists at work? Have you created mailing lists at home? Well, I can answer yes to all the above. However, thanks to a recently diverted email I received from my father, I noticed [not without a little...

36 hour weeks for kids

I think working less for “living” more is a wonderful ambition — afterwards there are economics and lifestyle choices & values that come into play. However, recently, I counted up how many hours my son works for his schooling. And the irony is...

O 2 Marry a Geek

Well, what goes around comes around. I enjoyed this BBC story about how geeks are the new highly sought-after prospective husbands in India. Notwithstanding, of course, the old fashioned component of the practice, it is still funny to see that the Geek is the new...

Bring the love back

Thanks again to my pal, Vincent, I have discovered a wonderfully a propos short film that speaks volumes… love, relationships & the consumer. See the film: The Break Up. This short is brought from Geert a marketing manager at Microsoft in Belgium....

Left-handed people are my kind of people

Being left handed is a minority problem (estimated up to 15%). I am not left-handed, but it is a characteristic that I systematically notice in people (I have never managed to detect left-eyed fish – see ABC report). When my wife asked me what image or...

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