The outlook for business is laced with dark clouds Over the past two years, governments have printed extraordinary sums of money to “buoy” the economy. In the process, the trend toward bigger government continues inexorably onward. In some countries, the government...
“You’re a bigot and a racist!” Those were the words spoken to me after a speech I made three years ago. They came with not a little vitriol at an otherwise civilized meeting held at the BBC HQ, where about 200 journalists were on hand to discuss the...
How important is friendship for you? How strong are your relationships? These are two questions that have always been important but seem to be taking up a renewed and vital importance in a world of epidemic loneliness, acute mental health issues and a difficult work...
To be labelled as tribal these days is frequently considered a bad thing. Tribalism has negative connotations. At a minimum, it’s associated with driving a gap between “us and them” and often suggests some form of sense of superiority. At its worst,...
With purpose being all the rage these days, it’s normal to start hearing about wild and crazy purposes being bandied about. On one end of the scale, you’ve got grand missions like: “To stop Ocean Plastic by gathering a billion people together to monetize...
After a spate of emails from a fairly large portal site (it’s ranked around 50,000th on Alexa worldwide), I was appalled at the number of marketing sins they have committed. Either this organization is doing so intentionally, which is borderline unethical, or...