Battle for the Soul of Paris…

How can a beautiful Paris keep its soul? This is basically the question posed in this great article in The Guardian: “Battle for the Soul of a City” by Andrew Hussey. Turned onto this article by Notes from Paris (thanks F), I was delighted by the open and...

The State of Contemporary Art & Ads as New Art

In a world suffering from an overabundance of ‘contemporary’ modern art, is it not possible that advertisements will be the best “representation” of our era? Surely, this is what Firebrand TV is counting on (opens Oct 22 2007). The plethora of...

Beauty in the eye of the software

Just as we have Unilever presenting the “real” woman with their Dove campaign, on the other end of the scale, we have digital retouching going democratic. In 2006, an Israeli firm launched a software to allow for perfect retouching of faces. Found this...

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